When you clean out your hard drive, you come across a lot of old pictures. Some you want to see, some you don't. I found these pictures of a press event that happened in London in 2013, prior to the release of the game. It was ridiculously fun. The event itself was insane. And by insane, I mean unbelievably cool and legit.
Brian and I stayed an extra couple of days and what a wonderful time we had. The city seemed to close pretty early, so we took advantage of the empty streets and explored. We crammed a lot into those two days and on our last night, Brian surprised me with tickets to the theater production of "Once". I cried from the second I sat down in my chair. If anyone gets a chance to see it, fly wherever you can to see it. It's incredible.
Alright, here are some pictures. Come along, won't you?
We all stayed at The Me Hotel and it was outrageously cool.
Champagne when you check in? Sure.
The press event was set up to look like an old theater with a post-apocalyptic feel, just like the game. They really did an incredible job.
Trying no to be awkward in every interview.
We went to dinner afterwards with the guys and girls from Media Molecule at a place called Great Queen Street. The food was amazing.
Hey look, it's Arne and Ricky!
Time for food porn. These were lambs' tongues.
Chicken. Pot. Pie.
Beef deliciousness.
Pot Roast. Bruce approves.
The next morning we did a panel at MCM.
Me, nervously laughing once I saw the crowd.
Playstation was sponsoring the UEFA Champions League Final and we were gifted with tickets. It's something I will never forget. The energy in that stadium was unlike anything I've ever felt.
They had crepes during "half time" and of course I had five.
Trying our best to make a 90s album cover.
Riding the Tube. Exploring the city.
Dat ass.
He caught me.
Troy Baker is everywhere.
Not impressed.
Gorgeous Harrods window display.
Jamie Oliver's Union Jacks. Freaking delicious.
We filled our canteen with something tasty for our late night adventure. ;)

A must have.

Delicious dinner at Balthazar.